Crowfoot Shopping Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut 403-374-1800

Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut 403-374-1800

Store front for Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut

Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut
826 Crowfoot Crescent NW
Calgary, AB T3G 4S3

Tel: 403-374-1800

Fax:    403-374-1801

Main Category: Food/Drink

Opening Hours
Mon - Wed 9am - 6pm
Thu - Fri 9am - 9pm
Sat 9am - 6pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm

Other suppliers in the category: Food/Drink
     Arbour Lake Liquor
     Bon Ton Meat Market
     Cobs Bread
     Community Natural Foods
     Crave Cookies & Cupcakes
     Crowfoot Liquor Store
     Edible Arrangements
     KY Liquor House
     M & M Meat Shops
     North Sea Fish Market
     Springbank Cheese Company


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